

Benefits of going to the beach!

We can all agree that a day at the beach can cure just about any bad attitude. But did you know there are actual health benefits to dipping your toes in the sand, too?   Vitamin D: According to Healthline, vitamin D is referred to as the sunshine vitamin because it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight. Vitamin D has several important functions. Perhaps the most [...]

April 9, 2021|

Spring is here! Let’s hit the seas!

Your eyes do not deceive you - the calendar now reads “March.” We don’t know about you, but we are welcoming the spring season with arms wide open!    Take a break now to read about each of our Sail Wild Hearts cruises so you can decide which to book first. We offer plenty of options, so we know there’s something that will satisfy the whole family. Read on for more information, then give us a call at 251-981-6700 when you’re ready to make [...]

March 17, 2021|

Sail into spring with these tips for what to expect on your next sail!

We can picture it now: a sunny day, warm gulf breeze, and family and friends aboard Wild Hearts.    We are looking forward to getting back in the water this spring, so we have compiled a list of some things you can expect when you sail with us.  Sanitation - We are taking precautions to keep our visitors safe during this time. All equipment will be sanitized daily after use, and [...]

February 2, 2021|

Sailing into a fresh, new year!

It’s officially no longer 2020. Anyone else saying, “Hallelujah!”?    January brings a new year and new beginnings for everyone, meaning it’s the perfect time to start planning that next vacation or family adventure. We hope this year brings you many fun, healthy experiences that will include Sail Wild Hearts!    We believe It’s important to do something to take you away from the stresses of everyday life, and our sails are the perfect [...]

January 11, 2021|

Say hello to 2021 with a resolution you will want to keep – and do again and again!

Let’s talk New Year’s resolutions. Do you love them or hate them? Do you keep them or lose them?   No matter where you fall among those possibilities, we have a resolution you will not only enjoy keeping, but you will want to do year after year: a sail on Wild Hearts!  A beautiful sunset, the cool gulf breeze, and time with your loved ones. Does [...]

December 15, 2020|

Thank you to our military

We know 2020 has been a trying year for everyone. From COVID-19 quarantines to devastating storms and wildfires, we’ve all encountered many challenges.   But one thing that has not changed through it all is the Sail Wild Hearts support of the military.   When the time is right and we are able to sail again, our active duty and retired service men and women are encouraged to come enjoy the beautiful Gulf [...]

November 19, 2020|
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